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    Part of the wheel chair maintenance has to do with correct cleaning of the wheel chair and the cushion and with user hygiene .
    Does the way of cleaning is affected by the type and the material from which the wheel chair and cushion are made off .

    [email protected]

    Proveer de conocimiento básicos sobre el mantenimiento preventivo a las sillas de ruedas es igual de importante como el seguimiento debido a que con este se puede evitar el deterioro de las sillas.

    Avatar for Reham Mohammed
    Reham Mohammed

    Does the cleaning and maintenance affected by Corona pandemic?

    Avatar for Reham Mohammed
    Reham Mohammed

    I think that all wheel chair users need special cleaning materials in this pandemic and also the material of WC to be easily disinfected

    Avatar for Reham Mohammed
    Reham Mohammed

    Cleaning Components of your Chair

    There are many, many components on a chair that are touched frequently – by users and caregivers. Here’s some to keep in mind that should be disinfected anytime a new person comes in contact with your chair, or you leave and return to your home.
    Head controls
    Mouth controls
    Head rest
    Arm rests
    Side guards
    Back of the wheelchair
    Push handles

    Cleaning Other Assistive Equipment

    Beyond your wheelchair, other frequently touched equipment and medical supplies should also be disinfected. These include:
    Any equipment that you handle or put near your mouth
    Oxygen tanks
    Steering wheel and door buttons on vehicles
    Transfer seats
    Medication or other items in your home
    A backpack or purse that touches your chair

    Staying Safe When Going Out

    If you are leaving the house, here are some extra precautions to consider.
    If you have plastic gloves wear them when you are out of your home.
    DO NOT Touch your face with the plastic gloves and always clean anything you have touched after you dispose of the gloves.
    If you travel in a transit or taxi vehicle, do not touch anything metal and avoid touching anything except your wheelchair.

    If you have a Home Caretaker

    For those that rely on a caretaker, they should follow the same precautions and can help if you are unable to clean and disinfect surfaces yourself.
    Make sure caretakes have gloves on or are washing their hands when around you.
    Ask them to wipe down your wheelchair.
    If they are in your home, make sure they are disinfecting counters or places your (or their) hands touch.
    If the person assists you in personal care, be aware the virus is also in fecal matter. Gloves should be worn and disposed of when being assisted with bathroom use.
    If you are catheterizing, make sure you and your caregiver wash hands before and after catheterizing.

    Avatar for Reham Mohammed
    Reham Mohammed

    eeping your wheelchair clean
    If you use a manual wheelchair user, the hard surfaces you touch most frequently will be parts of your wheelchair, especially the wheel rims and tires. If you use an electric wheelchair or other assistive technology, your joystick or control panel are the likeliest sources of infection and need to be kept clean.

    One way to help keep the wheels of your wheelchair clean is to soak two cloths or some kitchen towels in warm, soapy water and hold one in each hand as you wheel your chair, rotating the wheels through the cleaning materials.

    Then think about which parts of your wheelchair you and others frequently touch. Push handles, arm supports, foot supports, and wheel locks all need careful cleaning; as do grab bars or any surfaces you make contact with while getting in and out of the wheelchair.

    Be wary of using bleach, as this can react badly with the plastics used in some wheelchair construction. Soap will be fine in any case.

    Social distancing matters even more in a wheelchair
    Sitting in a wheelchair places you lower than many people who are standing near you. Thanks to gravity, that means you may be more at risk from the droplets people produce while talking, coughing, and sneezing. As a result, it’s important that you practice social distancing to help ensure a generous buffer between you and germs.

    What about masks?
    A medical N-95 mask offers more protection, of course, than a cloth mask. But medical supplies are in high demand. It’s worth considering the benefits of using any type of face covering in an effort to provide protection from low-flying droplets. Just remember to clean yourself and the mask after removing it.

    If you have caretakers or home healthcare providers
    If you rely on personal assistance services, you may want to ask your caregivers to wear a mask and gloves – especially if they have been in contact with anyone who has shown possible symptoms of the flu or COVID-19, even if they aren’t symptomatic.

    Likewise, you can ask anyone in your care network to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before each time they touch you. If they are in your home, make sure to disinfect any counters or places their hands may touch.

    Everyone is different
    We understand that every person who uses a wheelchair is unique. There are lots of variables, ranging from health conditions to the type of wheelchair or other assistive technology you use. Naturally, then, this is general advice that may not apply to everyone.

    The good news for most people is that, by being sensible and taking more precautions, you can continue to live your life despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Don’t worry if your hand washing and wheelchair cleaning takes time and keeps people waiting. Your safety is the most important thing.

    Avatar for Reham Mohammed
    Reham Mohammed

    Washing your hands as soon as your complete a journey in your wheelchair is extremely important, as it is very possible your hands will pick up the virus from the ground you are travelling over. Wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitiser whenever you return home from ANY activity that involves locations where other people have been. Using a fingernail brush is a good idea for those of us that have really rough skin from pushing our wheelchairs for so many years.

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